Thursday, June 18, 2009

Election costumes 2009 by Priyanka Gandhi

when it come to money and power every single person z_wld350in Indian will change themselves to attain them. Mrs.Priyanka Gandhi is no different, with their family name and costume similar to that of their ancestors, she is fooling the people around for votes..

4531184.cmswhat has she done to the people, has she  ever done any social work or did she ever care about the peoples welfare during BJP rule as member of opposition party or will she help to pass and implement any welfare schemes for the country, the answer is is BIG NO..

The normal dressing is different for her election campaigning dress. as every one is aware only actors change their costume and looks according to story and situation. A leader or a common people will live the normal and has no need to dress according situation to get thing done..

Look and the family name will not make any one good and fit to lead a country.