Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Strong action will be taken..


The army chief has said that strong action will be taken if any army officials are found guilty. The killing of 13 years old boy is serious crime and if any body has committed it will automatically qualify for a severe punishment. what further action will he take beyond penal punishment.

Certainly army officers do enjoy certain immunity against criminal proceedings but certainly not against this type of killing.

Recently supreme court India has made remark on armed forces immunity and it goes like this "You cannot say that an army man can enter any home commit a rape and say he enjoys immunity as it has been done in discharge of official duties," the apex court remarked. This case will also be taken up in similar lines, cannot killing a 13 year old boy is certainly not the official duty of the army. The army chief has said something for the sake of making a statement. His statement has no meaning and the people of this country needs action and not cover up & media statements.